teacups and mouse ears

Just by the title alone, I bet you can already guess where this fun family session took place… DISNEYLAND!

When Mom decided that she wanted to have their family session at the happiest place on earth, I knew that this was going to be a fun one!  We braved the park right as they opened one November Sunday morning in an effort to beat the crowds.  What we weren’t expecting was the warm weather… it was already in the 70s at 8am!  It was a beautiful morning to be at Disneyland, for sure!  Here are a few favorites from their session.


family on the tea cups at disneyland in california

And Mouse Ears!

family with mouse ears at disneyland california

And handome Jack and his adorable little sister, Snow White!

Thank you M family for another fantastic shoot!
I’m already looking forward to the awesomeness you have planned for next year!

the joys of being a kid!

little girl up in the blue sky with balloons

Oh the joys of being a kid! This session was a perfect reminder of that!

This adorable little gal belongs to a long time friend of mine.  In fact, it’s crazy to think that her Mommy and I first met almost 30 years ago as first graders at St. Vincent’s Elementary School.  Because we went to a Catholic school that only had one class per grade, we were together in the same class every year until 8th grade and we continued to be classmates until the day we graduated from high school!  So many of my childhood memories have her in it… sleepovers at each others houses, playing in her backyard, making our 4th grade Mission Project, being cabinmates and kissing banana slugs at 5th Grade Outdoor School, performing in the school talent show (Lollipop!), riding in her mom’s Ford Probe, my first concert, our first crushes, and even my first double date was with her!  So much we shared and did together that this list could go on and on!

I was super excited when Tammi contacted me about a family session while she, her husband (who is also from our high school class) and their beautiful little girl was vacationing in San Diego.  We actually hadn’t seen eachother since high school, but were in touch again thanks to Facebook. I loved that when we did see eachother after 10+ years, we were able to pick up where we left off.   Together, we could tell lots of the most random stories (both Tammi and I have an awesome memory of past events).  It certainly made for a fun evening of reminiscing about our childhood!  Like I said in the beginning of this post, the joys of being a kid!

Here are some of my favorite images from their session at Scripps Park in La Jolla. 

mom, dad and daughter spending the day in san diego

fun family portraits that are casual, relaxed and document life

And a few more of their adorable little girl… love those curls and piggy tails!

details of a sweet little girl in pink and pigtails

Tammi and Mike, it was fun spending the afternoon (and evening!) with you and meeting your amazing little girl.  Thank you for allowing me to photograph your beautiful family! 

the boy wonder | orange county child photographer

How lucky was I to get to spend some time with this amazing little super hero in front of my camera.

little boy in a cape playing super hero

What I love most about the photographing kids at this age (or any age really) is capturing the things that cause joy in their world and bring their imagination into full effect.  When this happens, they truly forget I am there for a photo shoot!   

Tying on a cape, pretending to be a super hero, and looking for villans is at the top of many little boys’ PLAY lists!  (And actually, back in the day when I was in preschool, it was at the top of mine too!  I was SO attached to my Wonder Woman underoos with a blanket tied around my neck… no joke!)  I was  seriously loving all the super hero faces this little guy was making.  Here are two… serious and sweet.

photographer for preschool age children in irvine ca

And of course, because ever super hero must have a set of wheels, this post would’t be complete without sharing his ride… an adorable vintage trike complete with a balloon fly away mechanism.

fun photos of a little boy playing superman riding a tricycle

Such a fun, fun shoot with a sweet little super hero!

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