big five | ladera ranch child photographer

It really doesn’t seem like it was FIVE YEARS AGO that I delivered my first baby.  The day that Collin entered the world, our lives had been changed for the better.  All the firsts that new parents experience… the sleepless nights, his first smile, all the milestones, big and little, we were (and still are) so excited to experience them.  And now he isn’t a baby or even a toddler anymore, he is five!  It really did just fly by and I can’t believe that in the fall, he’ll be starting Kindergarten!  Wow!  Happy Birthday Sweet Collin!

It’s funny because when people find out that I am a children’s photographer, they always think that my children must love being in front of the camera.  With Collin (and a lot of other kids of photographers), it is quite the opposite!  He is currently going through an anti-picture phase with Mommy and her camera.  I was working on an assignment over the weekend, when Collin happened to come around and I quickly snuck in one of him. :)  So glad that I did.   He looks like such a big boy in this one… the serious side of my happy little man!

Stay tuned friends… more blog posts will be coming soon!  I have a newborn session Friday and a family session at the “happiest place on earth” (weather permitting) this weekend!  Can’t wait!

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Happy Birthday Collin!!! I love the picture! It is sooooo beautiful!

Christina M.

happy 5th birthday Collin! gosh they grow up way too fast.


They grow up so fast. He looks like a little man. Happy birthday Collin.

Our boys are just one month apart! We should get together soon… we’re headed to San Fran for the weekend, but will be back mid-week next week. I’ll give you a call!

Jennifer N

Love the dramatic light and look of this photo. Collin looks so peaceful here. You really captured a sweet moment.

auntie jamie

aw Cindy…now that’s a great picture of “baby” Collin. yes, I know he’s a big boy now, but I’ll always remember him as the little guy with the hair that stood up in the back sitting on the couch with tv remote in hand.

happy birthday Collin…uncle Mike and I love you lots!

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