I know that all of life’s moments are fleeting and pass ever so quickly, but those 40 weeks of pregnancy are truly
something special. The radiant glow, the miracle of life being created, the anticipation (and excitement) of waiting for baby… so many reasons to capture this amazing moment in time. It’s probably the reason I love maternity sessions so much.
Radiant and glowing is an understatement for this beautiful mom-to-be.

One of my favorites… mother and her first born, who will soon be a big sister!
With all the fuss over mom’s bare belly, little L was very happy to show us her belly too.
It was her own idea and she was thrilled. We coulding resist giggling with her. The moment was just too cute.

After the studio shots, we headed outside to one of my favorite locations.
Love this family shot.

And since this was mom’s session after all, here are a few more of this radiant and glowing mama-to-be.

Thank you G family… Enjoy the sneak peek. It was fun spending the afternoon with you
and documenting this amazing time in your lives. Can’t wait to start working on the rest of your images!
I’m looking forward to meeting your baby boy when he makes his debut in September!

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